Shelburne District Fair
September 12th -14th 2025
The 2025 theme is: "Barns, Boots, and Bales"
Now you can conveniently pay for fair admission in advance!
The Board of Directors and the membership of the Shelburne District Agricultural Society
invite the public to become involved in presenting the Annual Fall Fair.
Volunteers are always welcome!
Contact us about the many things we do and how you could be involved as well.
Suggestions on how we may improve the Fair, or ideas for future attractions, may be
submitted in writing or by email to the Fair.
Also, we ask that our Fair visitors patronize our valuable community
Sponsors and Partners, who aid us with financial support
or services in kind, so that we may continue to better promote the rural way of life.
Thank you for your support!
Contact: Sue Peterson 519-217-5606

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